  • We are excited to have you join us for the ScreenCraft Virtual Summit - Buy your badge here!
  • You do not need to sign up for any events or sessions, our platform will have plenty of room for everyone.
  • Information on how to join the platform, and tips for how best to prepare and interact, will be sent out 2 weeks before the event. Be sure to check your email (and your spam!)
  • All Schedule Details Subject to Change.
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Jim Gourley

I'm a ScreenCraft competition finalist in the cinematic short story and sci-fi pitch competitions and a quarter-finalist in the short film contest. I'm also currently a quarter-finalist in the cinematic book competition. A kid at heart, my passions skew toward animated film and television, comics, video games, and young adult novels.
The biggest lessons I've learned about the craft, I've learned with my kids. They taught me how awesome Captain Underpants is. I taught them how awesome Willow and Flight of the Navigator are. We have learned together about The Dragon Prince and Stranger Things and Nimona and The Flash and Kubo and the Two Strings and the Lego Movie and Rick and Morty (because I have bad impulses and they prevent me from filtering my kids) and a hundred other things. And all of those things have become influences on me by the way I see my kids interact with them. And it's my dream to one day create something that they see on the screen and tell them "you helped me make that."